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Brisbane North and South

0449 721 739


Home modifications


Abbey Health Consulting provides home modification services for all individuals and NDIS participants

The services we deliver are completed by by experienced tradespeople. We have the experience and familiarity with individuals and families of those who are:  aging, have physical mobility needs, health-related medical needs, disability-specific needs, and those who require important modifications to help them undertake important daily activities.

Our home modifications are designed with high quality, safety and well-being in mind. We focus on quality of life for people across our community. Our current home modifications follow legislation and current building codes.


image source: shutterstock

image source: shutterstock



Testing and tagging 

Minor modifications (e.g. taps, sinks, rails, steps, doors)

Electrical services


Major home modifications (e.g. ramps, design, kitchen,  bathroom, windows)

Building Services

Other services

Building services

Building work supervision 

Building inspections

Work assessments

Maintenance (with any required trades) 

Asbestos removal 


Please contact us so we can gain an understanding of your needs, & work flexibly with you.



Abbey Health Consulting (2017). Image sources for all images: shutterstock